For Therapists

Peer Groups

I offer clinical and business consultation groups for therapists. These groups are not state specific. Please use the links below to learn more and inquire about joining

Therapy Tools

Worksheets, workbooks, journals and more on a variety of therapy topics and therapeutic modalities. Both adult and youth materials available. Please see below.


I offer supervision for associate level therapists. If you would like to learn more about this service, please see below.

Virtual Therapy Workshops: Enhance your Work

Enhance your clinical work and progress with clients by learning new tools and strategies that lean into the strengths of tele-health. Sign up for a workshop and receive free bonus tools to use in session. I also offer consultation on this topic.

Private Practice Startup Consultation

If you are in the dreaming or beginning stages of starting a private practice and need someone to offer support and guidance in that process, I offer consultation in this area.

Peer Groups

  • BIPOC Clinical Consultation Group

    🌟 Join Our Therapist Peer Consultation Group! 🌟

    Are you a therapist seeking a supportive community in 2024 that understands the unique challenges of clinicians of color in the field? Look no further! Our monthly virtual meetings and exclusive Discord group offer a safe and empowering space for connection, support, and professional growth.

  • Practice Goals: Peer Business Group

    🚀 Elevate Your Private Practice with Our Peer Business Group Consultation! 🚀

    Are you a therapist running a successful private practice and eager to take it to new heights? Join our dynamic monthly business group designed exclusively for clinicians like you! We meet virtually to foster growth, share expertise, and build a community of business-minded therapists.

Therapy Tools

Workbooks, Journals, Worksheets and more for Adult and Youth Therapy Sessions

As a thank you for visiting, please click below for an exclusive 15% off discount


  • Hourly 1:1 Rate: $120

    Group Rate: $55

  • I practice Supervision using the “Discrimination Model”, developed by Janine Bernard. Through this model, I view my role as a supervisor is that of:

    • A Teacher: What information do I have access to that can support you in your growth or decision-making?

    • A Counselor: Provide space to explore your internal, emotional and somatic experience of events

    • A Consultant: Give you space to lean on your own insight and decision-making.

    I strive to approach Supervision from a lens of Decolonization:

    • Respecting the many identities of supervisees and how this shows up in clinical practice and supervision

    • acknowledging power structure inherent in the supervision process

    • Respecting the lived experience of clients with marginalized identities

    • Embracing a learner attitude, allowing things to unfold in their time

    My approach is fairly structured. At the beginning of our time together, we will discuss your professional and clinical goals and areas of growth.

  • Group and Individual: All services are offered online/virtually through secure video software.

  • I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, specializing in Trauma and Anxiety. I have been licensed for 7 years and in private practice for 4. I completed my undergraduate degree in Fine Art with emphasis in Pre-Art Therapy, and went on to earn my Master’s in School Counseling with a specialization in counseling urban youth. My internship and agency work were both in school-based settings where I worked with children and teens and their families.

    I currently work with individual adults, primarily BIPOC and LGBTQ communities, and those who have experienced religious trauma. I utilize IFS/Parts work, Polyvagal Theory, ACT, CBT, DBT, Expressive Art, Coherence Therapy and ERP in my work with clients.

    I have additional training in working with Anxiety (CCATP) and Trauma (CCTP-II). I maintain professional membership with AMHCA, and the Washington Chapter, WMHCA, I attend continuous training in areas of decolonization, trauma treatment, Religious Trauma, ethics and supervision.

  • I invite you to reach out for a free consultation. I would love to talk with you about your needs and goals for supervision. We may be a good fit if any of the following apply to you:

    • Are able to meet virtually/online and at regular intervals

    • Are interested in the modalities and treatment areas listed above

    • Have or want to set and make progress with personal and professional goals

    • Are interested in social justice and anti-oppression

    Please reach out if you would like to learn more about what it could look like to work together.

    We may not be a good fit any of the following apply to you:

    • Plan to provide couples therapy

    • In need of in-person supervision

    • Intend to practice using a therapy model that requires additional certification that I have not listed above

Starting Private Practice: Consultation

  • Hourly: $120

  • Starting private practice can be a daunting experience. Not only are there a seemingly endless number of steps, but there is so much uncertainty and emotional work that goes into it. Having someone there to support you in the process can help you:

    • Keep limiting thoughts and mindsets in check

    • Stay accountable to your goals

    • Get unstuck: identify your stuck areas and start making measurable movement

    • Get support and encouragement to keep going, dream big and achieve what at first felt impossible

  • I find that structure enhances our work together. You’ll find below an outline of the process for working together

    • Start by clicking the button below to schedule your free consultation

    • After deciding to work together, you’ll receive a link to your online portal where you can access appointment links and documents

    • You can let me know if you need a one-time consultation or if you would like to meet together regularly.

    • If we will meet on a regular basis, we will spend time getting clear on where you’re at in the process; what your goals are and what progress vs lack of progress looks like for you specifically.

    • We’ll make a plan for what areas you’ll focus on and what steps you’ll take to get there.

    • All meetings are held virtually.

  • I created the Private Practice Startup guide for myself while I was in the process of starting my practice 3 years ago. I gave myself 5 months and went from ground-zero to open for business in that time frame. It was a lot of mental and emotional work and I learned so much along the way. I love the business side of private practice and facilitate a business group for goal oriented clinicians running successful practices because it is a topic I am passionate about. I want to help others who are just starting out to reach their goals, because it really is possible for you, too.

  • You are always welcome to reach out for a free consultation. I may be a good fit for you if you identify with any of the following:

    • In the beginning or dreaming phases of starting your Private Practice

    • Feeling overwhelmed by the steps and process

    • Interested in being an out-of network provider, private pay only

    • A person of color

    • Feeling stuck in the process

    • Experiencing imposter syndrome about owning a practice

    • Planning to offer virtual services

    • Interested in building a practice that is unique to you, your personality and lifestyle needs

Virtual Therapy Workshops: Enhance your online work with Clients

  • Are you one of the many therapists who have people reaching out to receive therapy for a youth, but are not feeling confident about having a sustainable model to work with that population via telehealth? I often hear therapists say they’ve tried before and the youth are not as verbal, give one word answers, and they don’t seem to get very deep or far in their work.

    I have been there before! Many of us going through grad programs didn’t receive much training on working with children and youth and even less so on working with them remotely. You are not missing any fundamental qualities to be able to have engaging, meaningful telehealth sessions with youth. Anyone who wants to work with children remotely can, and can have fun in the process!

    I have been working therapeutically with children for 9 years. I’ve worked in school based settings, urban, rural settings, and in private practice. I have been providing exclusively telehealth services for children and teens for about 4 years now and I have learned a lot of things along the way.

    I want to help you build a vision for what working with youth remotely can look like for you and provide practical tools and ideas to structure your sessions and engage young people so you can get deeper in your therapeutic work with them without feeling like you’re spinning your wheels each week.

    Sign up for my Workshop: Dynamic Digital Play: Elevating Engagement in Teletherapy for Children


    Digital Dialogues: Maximizing Teen Engagement in Virtual Therapy (Coming Soon)

    Don’t miss out on working with this amazing population, or risk burning yourself out by having to reinvent the wheel and scramble for ways to fill your sessions each week.

    Instead, build new strategies to adapt your current skills and interventions for telehealth; have confidence, fun, and reduce barriers to progress!

  • Do you love the benefits that come with working remotely in your own practice and are looking for ways to either go fully remote or level up your current remote practice?

    Many therapists have concerns about what is lost when switching to remote services, and wonder how they can create a warm and connected space by virtual means.

    Understandable! I wondered the same thing when I started my remote practice 4 years ago after having only worked in person. I had put great care into my physical space with the nervous system and human connection in mind. Over the years, I have figured out a way to to do this with my “virtual office” as well.

    When it comes to creating virtual spaces in the therapeutic setting, this is too commonly uncharted territory.

    I would like to help you build a vision for what your own virtual office could look like and provide practical tools, ideas considerations and strategies to facilitate a shared virtual space that feels authentic to you and your practice brand and mission.

    Workshop: Art of Virtual Spaces: Learn to Create Your Own Virtual Therapy Office (COMING SOON)